Simultaneously press the following buttons for about 15 seconds: the battery button, the plus button, and the minus button. The battery indicator LEDs will turn on.
Wait until the battery indicator LEDs turn off. This can take 1-2 minutes.
Turn on Somnox by pressing the power button. The factory reset is complete.
It is important to update Somnox to the newest firmware version. Please open the mobile application of Somnox and connect Somnox to your phone.
Once the connection between your phone and Somnox has been established, a pop-up screen will appear to update Somnox. If this is not the case, click on Somnox is connected at the top of the screen. Then click on the Update button.
The update will start. This will take around 10-12 minutes. Make sure to put your phone close to Somnox and keep your phone screen activated to prevent disconnection. If the phone screen turns off, the update will automatically quit.
When the update is finished, you will receive a notification in the app.
Instructions how to perform a reset
Written by Team Somnox
Updated over a week ago